¤Kisses blown are kisses wasted...Kisses aren't kisses
unless they're tasted....Kisses spread germs, and germs are hated....so kiss me baby, I'm vaccinated!
¤The hardest thing to do is watch the one you
love, love somebody else.
¤WhO dO yOu TuRN tO wHeN tHe OnLy PeRSoN THaT's
SuPPoSeD tO WiPe aWaY yOuR TeaRs iS tHe OnE CauSiNg THeM FoR yOu?
(6) I'm so hot i make the devil sweat (6)
Ur WaLk On,GeT uR hEaD rItE,I kNo u fEeLiN tHiS sHiT,tHiS sHiT iS dEaD rIte,GeT cHo bOuNcE oN bAcK tHa AsS uP(%)^
^(K)(H)~u ThInK uR cOo U tHiNk U fLy U kIcK iT wIt
Me N u'Ll ToUcH tHa SkY~(H)(K) ^
(K)^(%)I'm A bAd GuRl, NoT bAd MeAnIn bAd BuT bAd
MeAnIn gOoD....DaMn I'm So HoOd(%)^(K)
XoXo^bOrN 2 PleeZ, bUt TaUgHt 2 TeAsE^XoXo
(L)(X)^ThE gIrLs WaNt 2 Be Me, ThA gUyS wAnT 2 DaTe
mE & iF jEaLoUsY iS wHa Ur AlL bOuT tHen...Go AhEaD n HaTe Me^(X)(L)
(%)^BiTcHeZ hAtE mE n RaTe mE..SiMpLy CuZ tHeY aIn'T
(L)I aIn'T a PlAyEtTe...I jUs cRuSh a Lot(L)
^(%)^No OnE cAn TeLl mE wOt 2 Do ItZ mA lYfE n I LiVe
It ThA wAy I wAnT 2^(%)^
?!?!?!If U dIdN't HaVe FeEt WuD u WeAr ShOes?! ...ThEn
Y dO u WeAr A bRa!?!?!?
^(X)~DaNcE wIt Ur HeArT dAnCe hOw U fEeL...DaTs WhEn
U kNo ThA dAnCa Is ReAl~(X)^
;)...I kNo u ThInK iM cUte, I kNo u ThInK iM fInE
bUt LiKe ThA rEsT oF tHa GuYs TaKe A nUmBa N gEt In LiNE...;)
^$^DuN't HaTe ThA pLaYa....HaTe ThA gAmE^$^
(L)(K)GoD mAdE cOkE, GoD mAdE pEpSi gOd mAdE (name)
sO dAmN sExSi(K)(L)
^(6)~BiG gIrLs DuN't CrY tHeY gEt EvEn~(6)^
^(K)they say kissing is tha language of love...care
2 indulge in a lil convo(K)^
im a mind shockin, body rockin, sitting high, looking
fly kinda hunnie
r u tha bitch tha told tha bitch tha im a bitch well
it takes a bitch to kno a bitch, bitch
^(A)sum girls r good sum girls r bad...i come in both
flavours, im tha best u eva had!(6)^
(K)(L)(F)ToUcH mE teAsE mE c'MoN bAbY pLeZ mE(F)(L)(K)
^(%)I hAd A pArTy LaSt NiTe...U dIdN'T cUm bUtChO
bOi DiD...TwIcE(%)^
^i'M nOt a WhOrE, i'M nOt A sLuT, I jUs GoT mOrE 2
ShAkE n StRuT, sO aLl u HoEz WhO tHiNk Ur It CoMpArEd 2 Me U aIn'T nUfFiN bUt ShIt^
WoT u SeE iS wOt U dUnt GeT...So DrOol On, DrEaM oN,
MoVe On!
(B)Im HoMe, TaKe Me DrUnK(B)
^(%)tWo WoRdS gUyS hAtE...DoN't N sToP...UnLeSs U
pUt Em ToGeThA(%)^
^(S)~U hAd bEtTa TaKe SlEePiN PiLLz CuZ tHa OnLy PlAcE
u GeTtIn Me Is In Yo DrEaMz~(S)^
:P:)i'M sMiLiN cUz Yo Ma BrOtHa N u CaN't Do NuTtIn
BoUt It:):P
I gOt PmS aNd A gUn WoT wAs U sAyIN?!\
:[ i DuN't CaRe WoTcHu ThInK bOuT mE cUz It AiN't
HaLf As BaD aS wOt I ThInK oF u :[
^(%)Me N mA bOi BrOkE uP bEcUz Of ReLiGiOn...He ThOuGhT
hE wAs GoD n I dIdN't(%)^
(S)(*)I lost my teddybear can i sleep witchu?(*)(S)
^(K)If ThErEs LiPsTiCk On Yo MaNz CoLlA, u CaN bEt
Yo LaSt DoLLa ThA i MaDe HiM HoLLa(K)^
~(X)SwEeT yEt LoUd, ImA cUtIe N pRoUd(X)~
^(%)A fIrSt U dIsSeD mE, NoW u WaNnA kIsS mE...hahahaha
^(K)(Z)hunny, i got style N i got pride u betta strap
yo boi down or im gonna giv him i ride(Z)(K)^
^(8)u can do it putcho back into it, i can do it put
ur ass into it...tick tick booooommm(8)^
(F)RoSeS aRe ReD, lEmOnS aRe SoUr, OpEn Yo LeGs N
i'Ll ShOw U SuM pOwEr!!(F)
^(%)I love my attitude problem(%)^
(%)(K)(L)I dUn'T pLaY hArD tO gEt...I pLaY tO gEt
U hArD(L)(K)(%)
^(%)u've heard ma name, seen my face, aww all u poor
ass lil bitchez cud neva take my place(%)^
(U)dun't always go for the guys who can sweep
u off u feet, cos he can drop u on ur ass jus as fast(U)
^(%)GiRl DuN'T fLaUnT iT cUz I dUn'T wAnT iT(%)^
^(8)i'M G-h-E-t-T-o WhEnEvA i'M aRoUnD dIs Is HoW
u FloW(8)^
^(%)i can see u ova there chillen wit ur gurlfriends
cant believe ur by urself u shud be here wit me(%)^
^(K)N e GuY wHo CaN pUt Up WiT mA sHiT dEsErVeS aN
(R)(*)«T®êåt Më Lïké An Ãngel, And I'll $h0w ¥øu
(*)(f)(d) There's Vodka And Then There's Smirnoff
(#)(R)(*) I ta$te Júst Likê ©andÿ (*)(R)(#)
(*)(d)°§t®üt Thåt stRût, WáLk thàT wÂLk, p0þ Thãt
$hït, TâLk tHãT täLk°(d)(*)
~!(d)(R)(*) I Cäñ Gø f0r MîLêS iF ¥a KnÖw Wût I méAn
~wè r gûrls. wë r emòtiônål. göt ã pròblêm wîth thät?¿~
ever since i had met you, things just haven't been
the same..boy you got me goin crazy, i'm putting hearts around your name
(*) ;)Ìf ßëîn ßêâûTífüLL W⧠A ¢®Ìme Ìd ßÉ în
ÐÄ §låmmê® Fõ® Å LÌfê+Ìmê ;) (*)
-The morning I don't eat, I think about you. At noon
I don't eat, I think about you. In the evening I don't eat, I think about you. During the night, I don't sleep - I'm hungry!
:D YoU cAn ThInK yOuR pRItTeR tHaN mE… iTs Ok
To LiE tO yOuRsElF eVeRy OnCe AnD a WhILe :D
Once U've Felt Love, U'll Know It's Love Coz U Dont
Want 2 Let It Go
-If u drink n drive ur a bloody idiot n if u make
it home ur a bloody legend!
-(l)!Fr¡ëñds ärë l¡kë fõur lëäf clõvërs, härd
tõ f¡ñd, £ú¢kÿ tõ hävë!(l)
My name's not Elmo but you can tickle me anytime
-If I could reach up and hold a star for each time
you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand.
~ IlUv WhItE ShIrTs oN RaInY DaYz, AnD WhEn ThErEs
nO RaIn, "OpPs, I SpIlT mY WaTeR!"
smoke dope, eat soap.. and fly away in a bubble
I’m not a who®e* I’m not a §lu+ *
I just got more * to shake and strut * so all you hoes who think your hot * get a clue b!tch you’ll never have what
I got!*
T.G.I.F Thank God I'm Female.
£ïƒê ï§ ã ߣ㧆 Whêñ ¥øû® Wï†h ÞêøÞ£ê
¥øû £øvê
im a little fruit boy,tall & stout,veggies
& fruit is what i put out,when i work @ no frills hear me shout,im a little fruit boy
SwEeT LyKe CaNdy.. HoT LyKe F¡Re.. PeRfEct L¡L AnGeL
FoR u To DeS¡Re
~*~if you're asking if i need you the answer is forever...
If you're asking if i'll leave you the answer is never...If you're asking what i value the answer is you... If you're asking
if i love you the answer is i do~*~
ITruly loving another means letting go of all expectations.
It means full acceptance, even celebration of another's personhood
"when a love between two people is so great, not even
distance can keep them apart
Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere!
Døn't Knøw What Yøu Gøt Till Its Gøne
~'*If It Didn't Really Matter Yøu Wøuldnt ße §pendin
§o Much Time Thinking Abøut It
It hurts 2 realize that the ppl U though U'd love
4 eva dont love U as much as U thought they did and can do so well without U
~'*We Tøld Every1 That We Are ßest Friends We Tøld
Ourselves We Will ße ßest Friends Før £ife And We Prømised We'd Never £et Any Guy Get In Our Way, Friends Till The End, What
~'*This time it's over, I'm keeping my heart ,I'm
gonna be strong & not fall apart .. It'll get better, I'll no longer cry.. In a couple of weeks, I wont want 2 die, I
won't want 2 go back, I'll be able 2 sleep, It won't hurt so bad, & it won't feel so deep
~'*You arent thinkin bout me at all...my eyes are
holding back the tears...my pride wont let u see me act as a fool...i'll be damned if i let you know that I still feel something
for you...
~'*I'll finda friend thats new I won't be alone &
I won't have u! Ur waiten 4me 2crawl back 2ur side sorry this time im keepin my pride
~'*It hurts to realize that
the people you thought you'd love for life don't love you as much as you thought they did and can do without you as if they
never knew you at all